Providing financial assistance to enable school aged children to engage in
and benefit from a variety of educational and cultural activities.
The Mariners Outreach Foundation was formed in 2012 by a group of Southern California boating enthusiasts to provide educational and cultural field trips to students from underserved schools and communities. During frequent visits to Catalina Island, we discovered that the island’s school children were rarely able to travel to the mainland in order to benefit from the many rich and rewarding cultural and educational venues available to non-island children. We chose this issue as our first opportunity to give back something worthy to the island we as boaters have enjoyed so much for so many years. The Foundation’s initial focus was to provide funding to allow Catalina Island’s school kids to benefit from field trips to educational and cultural venues that state and local budget cuts had long since eliminated.
Since its formation in 2012, the Foundation has funded educational field trips to many museums and other venues. (See list on the About the Foundation Page). Our annual field trip to the Museum of Tolerance in West L.A. provides a life changing experience for the students as they learn about the causes of World War II, the Holocaust and the continuing perils of racism and prejudice. The other venues listed also provide extremely valuable learning experiences and enhance the students desire to study and prepare for a higher education after
graduation.We also provide collage and grad school scholarships to deserving students who are in need of financial assistance to further their education. We sponsor peer to peer tutoring activity allowing the high achieving students to assist others and earn money while doing so.
Avalon High School Students at the Museum of Tolerance, Los Angeles Ca
The enriching experiences the Catalina Island's Avalon Schools' students received since we began providing educational field trips and scholorships coupled with the Schools' college preparation AVID program has provided amazing results. When we began providing the trips in 2012 only about 15% of the Avalon Schools' students applied to go to college after graduation. Currently, approximately 85% of the graduating classes' students apply and get accepted into various colleges and four year universities.
Mariners Outreach Foundation
13900 Palawan Way. #12
Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
Mariners Outreach Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit corporation
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